31 October 2008

Rabid Right NY Post Endorses Obama!

"We urge them to choose Obama. Obama represents a fresh start."
- NY Post

Keep reading for the rest of the story.

This is when the Post endorsed Obama over Hillary Clinton in the primaries. The words I have quoted above are directly from the Post's website. They leave out important information though, such as the fact that the endorsement was for the primaries, along with surrounding text:

"We urge them to choose Obama - an untried candidate, to be sure, but preferable to the junior senator from New York. Obama represents a fresh start."

In the presidential race, it comes as no surprise to anyone that the Post has endorsed John McCain.

This is a fine example of a half truth: "New York Post says 'Obama represents a fresh start.'" It's the kind of technique Fux News uses regularly, except without the explanation of the trick.

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