31 October 2008

Joe the (Unlicensed) Plumber

Joe the Plumber without a license (from Toledo) and Mary the Flag Lady held a media event in Columbus Tuesday. According to the Columbus Dispatch (which has endorsed McCain editorially and backs that up by filling the news hole with anti-Obama stories) says, "The Toledo-area man, who was elevated to fame after he challenged Democrat Barack Obama over his tax policies during a street-side chat, formally endorsed McCain at the Flag Lady's Flag Store in the Beechwold neighborhood."

The Dispatch and Joe (the guy who illegally does plumbing work in Toledo, where a license is required to do plumbing work) have the McCain talking points down: "Citing the 'spread the wealth' comment Obama offered him, Wurzelbacher expressed fears that the U.S. would become a socialist nation under the Democrat. He also agreed with a man in the audience that a 'vote for Obama is a vote to the death of Israel.' Portman [Rob Portman, former Cincinnati GOP congressman] disagreed with that statement."

Joe's talking about running for Congress now, too. That's JUST what we need, another law-breaking know-nothing representative.

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