08 January 2006

Neocon closed minds

I received a message from a WTVN Radio (Columbus, Ohio) listener following the first program of 2006. "I listend [sic] to you on the way to church Sunday mornings for the Tech help. Keep your Bush bashing to yourself. Then I will like you and listen to you again."

Bush bashing? I don't do that on the air, but the Technology Corner website includes (on the "reference" page) a link to this blog and to Bush Lied Again.

I guess the neocons are all for freedom of speech as long as it's their speech. Or maybe it's this attitude: "I don't have to think because Rush Limbaugh told me what to think, so you shouldn't be thinking, either. Thinking is dangerous. I heard that from Limbaugh, too, and he has a direct line to the guy who has a direct line to God."

As I explained to my little Bush buddy, "I do not bash Bush on the air, but I do believe that I have the right to post my opinions on websites that I pay for personally. Whether you like me or not is immaterial. I happen to like a lot of people with whom I may disagree on one thing or another. This is part of being an adult."

Poor little Bush babies.

06 January 2006

What an amazing week!

Jan. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Jack Abramoff, the once-powerful Republican lobbyist at the center of a federal corruption investigation, pleaded guilty to three criminal charges and will cooperate with a Justice Department probe that threatens to ensnare lawmakers.

[Do you suppose there are some "law"makers who will need a little something to help them sleep tonight?]

[Bloomberg continues] Criminal allegations the government filed today also mention an unnamed former chief of staff to Ney, accused of lobbying the lawmaker and his staff without waiting the required one-year period after leaving Capitol Hill. Neil Volz is the only former Ney chief of staff who went to work for Abramoff.

DeLay, the Texas Republican who until September was House majority leader, took a golf trip to the U.K. in 2000 with Abramoff. DeLay also has benefited from Abramoff-related campaign donations, taking in more money directly from the lobbyist -- $17,000 from 2001 to 2004 -- than any other member of Congress, according to Federal Election Commission records.

[We now switch to the Houston Chronicle for this report, already in progress.] WASHINGTON -- The prosecutor in the Texas money laundering case against Rep. Tom DeLay issued subpoenas today looking for links between lobbyist Jack Abramoff and fundraising by the former majority leader.

District Attorney Ronnie Earle issued the subpoenas in Austin the same day that Abramoff pleaded guilty in Washington to federal charges of conspiracy, tax evasion and mail fraud.

[Oh, by the way, sleazinator Tom DeLay called Jack Abramoff "one of my closest and dearest friends." Maybe they can do a little jail time in the same cell and really become "friends".]

Pat Robertson: World's biggest asshole

Pat Robertson says that Ariel Sharon's stroke was God's retribution for giving up land to the Palestinians.

According to Robertson, this happened before when God offed Yitzhak Rabin. Apparently God is getting better at this killing stuff because now He can just cause a stroke instead of having to use the services of a hired gun.

Robertson says that little bit of land is God's and woe be to anyone who wants to give it away. I guess that means God doesn't care about the Grand Canyon. And we already know that God will turn His back on Dover, Pennsylvania. So either of those can be safely given away to Palestinians, I suppose.

"God save me from your believers," comes to mind. Not all your believers, though. Just the nut cases like Rat Bopertson.

Neocons: Crazy or just stupid?

The neocons say it's OK for Dictator Bush to ignore any laws he wants to as long as he says it's because he's "fighting terrorists". At the same time, they justify Bush's illegal acts based on the (incorrect) assumption that "Clinton did it" and "Carter did it."

So should Bush invite Monica Lewinsky to the Oval Office for a little evening fun?

What the neocons don't seem to understand is that George Bush and his ilk will not always be in power. Eventually Democrats will find someone popular enough to get so many votes that not even widespread fraud will be able to steal the election. And where will the neocons be then? They'll find that the crooked Democrats are just as bad as the crooked Republicans. They'll find that the Dems will be more than willing to use Herr Bush's precedents.

Do these guys ever look at history? Johnson misused the IRS. So did Nixon. Neither party is immune from this crap.

Allowing Bush & Company to take us down this path is wrong for conservatives, wrong for liberals, and wrong for America.

What is it that neocons don't understand about "unconstitutional"?