28 October 2008

Am I Terrified?

A friend noted that those on the right often say they're terrified of Obama and that those of us on the left say that we're terrified of Palin. What's to be terrified about, she wondered.

I don't think I would classify myself as "terrified", so I probably can't answer the question entirely. But I am greatly concerned by the prospect of Palin as president. I think it comes down to her limited education, lack of political experience, anti-science positions, attack-dog positions (which, according to a reporter from one of the Alaska newspapers, may have been forced on her by the McCain campaign), scant knowledge of international situations, and inability to speak a coherent sentence unless it's scripted.

Except for that, I'm fine with her being president.

It seems to me that the right is afraid of the bogeyman, which is something the Republican Party has stressed over the past 8 years with its "we have nothing to offer but fear" campaigns. Those on the left fear a continued slide into mediocrity, or worse.

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